There won't be a ton of depth in today's deal, kids. I'm just tossing up a handful of things that got me out of bed on this miserable and soggy morning.
First up is the number one download on Itunes Japan (for what that's worth), "A Winter Fairy Is Melting A Snowman" by Kaela Kimura. This slice of manic J-Pop seems to be "going viral" (ugh), and the part where the excessively huge guitars kick in makes me grin like a goddamn fiend.
The next two songs are by Wymyns Prysyn from Atlanta. That's pretty much all I know about these dudes, but they remind me of Hammerhead and The New Bomb Turks and Nation of Ulysses. So basically they remind me of the mid 90's, which is pretty much my entire steez in a nutshell. Come to Portland, you guys!
We then find ourselves on a "hilarious" tip. Dude to our left is "Liberace Morris," the lead singer for Black Fag. You heard me. Dudes are doing Black Flag covers with vocals that are supposed to ape our pal Rob Schneider, but end up sounding a little closer to Jello from Dead Kennedys. Which may mean something, but I don't know what. We can sit around and argue about stereotypes and political correctness all day, but the upshot is that the part in "T.V. Party" that goes "Extreme Makeover/Extreme Makeover Home Edition" cracks me the fuck up, and a Mojito sounds damn good right about now.
Ultra-moronic synth damage from Roger Roger is up next! I grabbed this from the peerless Egg City Radio site, which is where you want to go if yr sick of music sounding like humans made it.
I go there at least twice a day, because seriously, humans? Shut the fuck up already.
Speaking of humans and my general distaste for them, this mix finishes with "Kill Them All" by The Brainbombs. Genius and Brutality. Taste and Power. Possibly the most important rock band of the last decade. We'll talk more about them soon.
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